Overview-List of all photos in the PHOTO album by Tesla Sveznadar sorted by year.
To zoom, select (click on) the desired image from the list.

1819    Parents
1840    Birth house
1855    Homeland village
1856    Baptism
1856    Birth certificate
1857    Sisters
1861    Family
1862    Family tree
1863    Residential house, Gospić
1864    Uncle
1870    High school, Rakovac
1871    Rakovac
1871    Prof. Sekulic
1871    High school minutes
1873    Transcript of testimony
1873    Graduation minutes
1874    Tesla's professors in Graz
1874    Graz Library
1875    Graz Polytechnic
1879    Tesla 23
1880    Prague
1880    Technical Faculty Prague
1881    Superintendent Puskas
1881    Budapest City Park
1881    Budapest telephone exchange
1882    Boulevard St. Marcel
1882    Seine Baths
1883    Passport with personal description
1883    Strasbourg
1883    The contract with Edison's subsidiary
1884    Portrait
1884    Steamer "City of Richmond"
1884    A Swede?
1884    Castle Garden
1885    Request for testimony
1885    Portrait
1885    Tesla works for Edison
1886    Electric arc lamp, patent
1886    Tesla establishes Electric Light and Manufacturing
1889    Laboratory at 89 Liberty Street
1887    Tesla's transformer
1887    Lamp experiments
-1888    Induction motor 1
-1888    Working principle motor
1888    Animation display of inductive motor
1888    U.S. Patent 381,968; 1
1888    U.S. Patent 381,968; 2
1888    Westinghaus buys a license
1888    Work in Pittsburgh for Westinghouse
-1893    The Current War
-1892    Location of the Laboratory in Grand Street
1890    Production generators
1890    Portrait 1890
1890    Portrait, 1896
1891    Tesla becomes an American citizen
1892    Monument to parents
1892    Lecture in Paris
1892    Invitation to a lecture
-1895    Location of the Laboratory in South Fifth
.1894    Vice-President of the AIEE
1893    World's Columbian Exposition
1893    Exposed polyphase motor
1893    Triumphant end of the current war
1893    Tesla's Egg of Columbus
1894    Doctorate of Columbia
1894    Master's degree at Yale
1894    Mark Twen
1894    Tesla Generator
1894    Jefferson and Twain experiment (?!)
1894    The first biography was printed
1895    Tesla's coil
1895    Tesla reads in the laboratory
-1900    East Houston Tesla's lab
1896    Apparatus for producing ozone
1898    Remote control, patent
1898    Remote control, realization
1899    Tesla's lightning thunders
1899    Tesla's lightning thunders
1899    Laboratorija u CS
1899    Wireless power transmission
1900    "World Wireless System"
1900    The most controversial letter from Nikola Tesla
1901    Roentgen to Tesla
-1917    Long Island Laboratory
1907    New York Academy
1908    Doctorate Vienna
1913    Tesla's turbine
1914    US Patent 1,119,732
1915    Banquet meeting
1916    The lady to whom Tesla posed
1916    Blue portrait
1916    Portrait, 1916
1916    Laboratory, 1916
1917    Edison Medal
1917    Who persuaded Tesla to accept the Edison Medal?
1918    Tesla with an unidentified lady
1919    Autobiography
1920    Tesla valve
1920    Two portraits from 1920
1920    Dinner at Delmonico's restaurant
1924    Tesla gives an interview
1925    Artist's conception
1926    Honorary Doctorate Prague
1926    Doctoral degree Belgrade
1928    The last known Tesla patent
1931    Einstein and many others
1931    Front page Time, "Blue Portrait"
1933    Portrait from 1933
-1943    New Yorker Hotel
-1943    Interior view of the New Yorker Hotel
-1943    Rooms 3327-3328
1935    Always elegant
1937    Honorary Doctorate Graz
1937    Doctorate at the Sorbonne
1937    Portrait, 1937
1942    The king visited Tesla
1942    To my brothers
1943    Obituary
1943    Burial
1977    Memorial plaque
1943L    Late recognition of merit
1951    Tesla's legacy transferred to Belgrade
1951    Clothing from Tesla's legacy
1952    Tesla asteroid
-1954    Meštrović's promise fulfilled
1957    Tesla's urn transferred to Belgrade
1960    Unit of flux density
1975    Tesla was inducted into the Hall of Fame
2003    Tesla's archive in "Memory of the World"
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Greetings from MojTim!
Nikola Tesla PHOTO: http://tesla.sveznadar.info
mojTim 2020-2021, BL December 2021.