autor What's up?
On the photo portal NTFOTO123PLUS contains more than 123 images and illustrations as planned.
Everyone who is familiar with Tesla's obsession with numbers understands why they were supposed to be 123. And why I didn't stick to that number, the reason is the abundance of material.
Version 1.20 as of 14.12.2021. there are 133 topics with the same number of illustrations. Tesla would probably be happy with this number, since it is divisible by 3. I would be happier if I managed to keep 123 as a symbolic indication that this site is for the start of a new look at Tesla.
The portal also contains more than 20 collages. Some of the illustrations are also collages. Thus, it can be said that NTFOTO123PLUS contains more than 200 illustrations and photographs from Tesla's life and work.
The intention was to place only pictures, and for the visitor to create impressions about them. However, some images required more than just the records. And then, for the sake of balance, all the pictures got at least a few words as a comment. The original intention was thus only partially maintained. Still, I think that the real (maybe the only) value is in the facts and photos, and that the comments are there only to help learn about them.

In any case, if (when) you click on the All button, a Time line is available that follows the life of Nikola Tesla from birth to the present day.

The site had an initial moment in my editing of the bilingual autobiography of Nikola Tesla. In this work, I collected a lot of material, so it seemed relatively easy to classify and translate it into web content.
But some images required more effort, not to mention data mining. So instead of a couple of weeks, this project was extended to a couple of months.
And it's not over yet.
It's just interrupted.

The site is bilingual.
English translation does not have "serious" power. I expect that the site will be found and viewed outside the space of our "former" state. I hope that my lack of good knowledge of English will not be a reason for visitors to give up watching the site that the content is interesting enough to forgive me for being insolent, which I dared to try to make the content "more readable" in English.
What next?
I am announcing the next version for 2024.
Until then, I'll just correct the errors I noticed.
For now, in addition to reviewing the portal, I am also offering a bilingual autobiography of Nikola Tesla: My Inventions.

And you?
You look at the portal and buy the book.
All materials (including comments and collages) presented here are publicly available if not used for commercial purposes.
In case you want to use a comment or collage, just cite source :
Website NTFOTO123 and web address: autor
Greetings from MojTim!
Nikola Tesla PHOTO:
mojTim 2020-2021, BL December 2021.
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