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Popular actors Joseph Jefferson and Mark Twain in Tesla's laboratory

Joseph Jefferson was one of the most popular comedians of his time. Born February 20, 1829 in Philadelphia, Jefferson was the son of actors and was introduced to the stage as a child. Jefferson made his adult debut in New York in 1849 at the age of twenty. His early New York successes led to a tour of the South and theatrical engagements in Baltimore and Philadelphia. In November 1856, Jefferson became a member of Laura Keeneā€™s company, where he starred in several successful performances, including the "hit" Our American Cousin in October 1858 as Asa Trenchard.
Jefferson starred in over one hundred roles before performing consistently as Rip Van Winkle.
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Nikola Tesla PHOTO: http://tesla.sveznadar.info
mojTim 2020-2021, BL December 2021.