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In 1894, Tesla's friend Thomas Commerford Martin was the first to write and publish Tesla's biography.
The biography aroused great interest and already that year it experienced three editions; the picture below is the second edition

The full title of the biography is: The inventions researches and writings of Nikola Tesla with special reference to his work in polyphase currents and high potential lighting.
This richly illustrated, extensive book (871 pages) with many details has significantly contributed to the creation of the reputation and prestige of Nikola Tesla, especially since it came out immediately after the end of the "Current War Electricity" and the commissioning of the plant at Niagara Falls.
Commenfor was an electrical engineer and editor of Century magazine. As a great admirer and friend of Tesla, he published several articles in which he explains and popularizes the ideas and work of his friend.
Source: https://www.iberlibro.com/Inventions-Researches-Writings-Nikola-Tesla-Special/
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Nikola Tesla PHOTO: http://tesla.sveznadar.info
mojTim 2020-2021, BL December 2021.